On a real Louis Vuitton bag, the LV logo should be upside down on the back of the bag and right side up on the front. Additionally, look at the pattern on the bag and make sure it’s straight, even, and mirrored on both sides of the bag. This should have a regional code that matches where the bag was made, such as MI, SD, or TH, which all represent regions in France. You can also check the date code located near the opening of the bag. If the stamp is missing or the logo doesn’t match those on authentic Louis Vuitton bags, it’s probably a fake. around designer Louis Vuitton handbags than in any other city in the world. For example, a real Louis Vuitton purse should always include a stamp pressed directly into the leather that says “Louis Vuitton” and states where the bag was made. how do people get fake tracking numbers, Tech news and expert opinion from. However, you may be able to spot a fake by looking at features like the stamps and the pattern on the bag. With so many skillfully made fakes on the market, it can be hard to tell a fake Louis Vuitton purse from the real deal.